Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Deep thoughts (by Jack Handy)

I was emailing back and forth with a friend, discussing some "deep" topics. We had a discussion about the point in my life where I realized that I'd always be reasonably happy (no matter what my situation -- rich/poor, alone/with friends, in the US/somewhere else, etc.). After that realization, I knew that there was nothing left to do except try to help others as best I could.

My friend asked why the two were connected. I thought about it, which helped me come up with a much clearer answer:

"i think it was basically seeing that i would be at about the same happiness level no matter my circumstances, so there was no need to do anything further for myself. i was "done" in a way -- finished with trying to improve my own situation. But with all this energy and life left in me, what else is there to do but help others realize the same thing for themselves?"